Antonio Aurigemma was born in Naples (Italy) in 1963 and graduates in architecture at La Sapienza University in Rome in 1996.

During his studies he worked making architectural models for competitions and museums and drawing projects for studios and construction companies.

In 1995 he began to work on his own and in 1998 he opened his first architecture studio. In 2004 he founded the “Studio debrark…” with which he worked until 2011. In 2011 he created the “Studio didoarch”, in a telematic network with a team of other professionals, in order to cover all the skills required in civil constructions.

His skills are Architectural Design and Construction Management, Safety Coordination on construction sites and technical consultancy.

He has a passion for photography as a personal path. Link to his photographies

Linkedin profile


Architect (Professional Association of Architects of Rome)
Safety coordinator on construction sites (D.Lgs  81/2008 s.m.i.)
Registered in the Sisma 2016 professional list
Site bioecological coordinator